Why You Should Avoid Rs 9 Course Advertisements or Webinars – an organised scam, stay out of it

In the realm of online education, enticing advertisements for courses or webinars priced at just Rs 9 can be irresistible. Whether they pop up on social media or search engines, these promotions offer transformative knowledge, secret strategies for immediate success, or a quick route to mastering a complex subject—all for the cost of a cup of tea. However, before you hastily enroll, it’s crucial to grasp the potential pitfalls concealed behind these Rs 9 marketing ploys.
At Arthashastra Gurukul, our focus is on providing genuinely valuable education. In this blog post, we delve into why these ultra-affordable courses and webinars often prioritize marketing over genuine learning experiences.
The Hidden Motive Behind Rs 9 Courses
It’s essential to recognize that Rs 9 is not the actual price; it serves as a marketing lure designed to attract as many individuals as possible by creating an illusion of accessibility and affordability. Once you sign up, you’ll soon discover that the true worth of the course is obscured by additional upsells, pricey memberships, or high-end coaching programs.

Typically, the Rs 9 webinar acts as bait—a cursory glimpse that barely delves beneath the surface of the subject matter. Following the complimentary or low-cost session, you’re inundated with aggressive sales tactics prompting you to invest in an “advanced” course or participate in an exclusive mastermind group requiring substantial monetary commitments.
Content Quality: Low Cost Equates to Low Value
One major reason to steer clear of these Rs 9 offerings is due to their dubious content quality. When something is priced so inexpensively, it often indicates that little effort has been invested in developing comprehensive course materials.
Consider this: crafting a meticulously researched and valuable course demands significant investments—be it time, finances, or expertise. How could one possibly deliver top-notch education for just Rs 9? The reality is—they can’t. The content provided is likely to be generic and superficial—lacking profound insights or practical takeaways towards the scam delivered
Instead of receiving promised invaluable lessons, more often than not you’ll encounter mere buzzwords and vague suggestions devoid of substantial value. To make matters worse; some courses veer away from their advertised content focusing more on self-promotion by instructors—morphing into prolonged sales pitches for their premium offerings
Psychological Strategies: The Hook-and-Sell Approach
The price tag of Rs 9 isn’t merely about affordability—it’s also a psychological maneuver. These marketers comprehend consumer psychology principles such as commitment and consistency well. Once you’ve committed—even if it’s just Rs 9—you’re likelier to make larger expenditures subsequently due to what’s known as ‘foot-in-the-door’ technique
You might think “It’s only Rs 9; what harm could it do?” Yet after completing the budget-friendly course/webinar; you might develop an emotional attachment making you more susceptible towards their next significantly pricier proposition. The sales funnel aims at convincing you that additional investments are necessary nudging you towards packages costing thousands like Rs 5k or even higher amounts like Rs 10k+
These marketers leverage FOMO (fear of missing out), portraying their premium courses as pivotal for your future success when in reality they’ve ensnared you within an intricately woven sales loop
In the realm of online education, there exists a lack of accountability and expertise. Many individuals present themselves as experts offering Rs 9 courses or webinars, often dubbing themselves as “gurus” or “coaches” without solid credentials. Despite having polished websites and impressive social media presence, their qualifications to educate are questionable.
Due to the minimal cost of entry, these instructors often disregard the need to provide genuine value or support. To them, you are merely a statistic in their sales strategy, and seeking refunds or holding them accountable can be quite challenging once you’ve engaged with their system

On the contrary, reputable educational platforms feature courses led by industry professionals with established credibility. While these options may come at a higher price point, the value lies in the quality of content, expertise of instructors, and depth of knowledge imparted
When considering signing up for a Rs 9 course or webinar, it’s crucial to recognize not only the financial risk but also the overlooked cost: your time. Even if you lose just Rs 9 monetarily, spending valuable hours on content that doesn’t enhance your skills is an opportunity cost that shouldn’t be ignored.
Time is a precious commodity best invested in quality learning experiences rather than opting for cheap alternatives that offer little substance. Whether through reputable platforms, respected mentors, or well-crafted literature, allocating time and money towards substantial education is paramount
In pursuit of personal growth and development through education, it’s essential to prioritize long-term value over instant solutions. While the allure of quick skill acquisition in brief sessions is strong, genuine success demands dedication over time without cutting corners
For true advancement in business acumen, financial literacy or self-improvement endeavors require commitment along with considerable investments—both financially and timewise. Rather than falling for flashy marketing tactics and empty promises seek resources that foster enduring skills while steering clear of superficial traps
In conclusion: Exercise discernment when encountering Rs 9 course advertisements; weigh what is truly being offered beyond face value. Despite appearing low-risk initially hidden expenses such as wasted time and high-pressure sales tactics can have substantial repercussions.
At Arthashastra Gurukul we advocate for education built on genuine value rather than hollow pledges; sidestep alluring yet deceptive offers by focusing on authentic educational opportunities that genuinely facilitate personal growth

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